Today’s traditional publishing world is changing. Everyone has the capability to publish their work through today’s technology. However, there’s still something to be said to have a publisher behind you as you present your book to the world. Publishers can take it to other places other than the internet – bookstores, ministries, and events. So what does it take to get published?
1. A great book concept. Do your homework and find out what the competition is. Has been done? Is it a fresh idea.
2. Great writing!
3. A dynamic book proposal is a must. Most publishers won’t even take a look at your book if you don’t have a proposal.
4. What’s your platform? Publishing is competitive and you have to do your part as the author to market your book. Do you speak publicly? Do you have a social media platform?
5. A literary agent. Submit your book proposal to literary agents that fit your genre.
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